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Forged Carbon Fiber Plate

Forged Carbon Fiber Plate

Forged carbon fiber is forged and pressed with short cut carbon fiber, similar to the SMC process. Because shorted carbon fiber can be made from scraps or recycled materials, raw material costs will be lower.

Product Details

The traditional carbon fiber production process involves spinning, thermal stabilization, carbonization and graphitization of the fiber, plus baking and separating the resin and carbon fiber cloth under high pressure, which takes more than 24 hours. The process of forging carbon fiber is much faster. It can be done by combining the shredded carbon fiber wire with the resin, sandwicking it between two steel molds, and then heating it at 1,200-1,500 psi for three minutes. A much shorter production cycle means that the cost of forging carbon fiber will be much lower. Another advantage is that when cut carbon fiber is mixed with resin under high pressure, it has good mobility and  helps to form complex structure parts.

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